Benjamin F. Shobe Endowment 

The Benjamin F. Shobe Endowed Scholarship Fund is established in honor of the Honorable Benjamin F. Shobe by the Majestic Alumni Association. This fund will be used to provide financial assistance to students majoring in all disciplines and subjects at Kentucky State University. The criteria for selection as a scholarship recipient are “Academic Promise, Extra Curricular Activities, Well Rounded Personality, and Strength of Character”.  In addition, the following criteria will be used to award the Honorable Benjamin F. Shobe Scholarship:  1. The student(s) must be a full-time sophomore, junior or senior student as defined by the university.  2. The student(s) must be of high academic standing with a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher.  3. The student(s) must demonstrate a financial need.  4. The student(s) must submit a current resume.  5 .The student(s) must write a 500 to 1,000 word essay, discussing their personal & academic background, and why they should be a recipient (based on the criteria above). Applications are available in the  fall of each year and recipient will be chosen in the spring.  To obtain an application please contact us.

If you would like to send a donation to the “Majestic Alumni Association – Honorable Benjamin F. Shobe Scholarship Endowment”, simply click on the button below or send a check or money or to: Kenneth F. Fullman c/o Majestic Alumni Association - Scholarship Endowment Donation 11747 S Bell Ave. Chicago, IL 60643